Monday, May 10, 2010

A Mother's Heart...

I have had one of the worst weeks. Now, I'm aware I've said that before (even though you don't know that) and I probably did, at the time, think that was the worst week ever. But this is different. See, my son was hurt this week and I witnessed the entire thing. He is 8 and a little ballplayer (if I do say so myself). As he was catching (that's the position God created him for, I'm sure of it), a runner attempted to steal home. The ball was thrown to my boy and a collision ensued. We thought the other kid was hurt (he was just laying there, stunned). And then the dust settled, the other kid got up, staggered around a little, dusted himself off and my son let out a guttural cry that I have never heard come from his tiny body before. This is the child who doesn't cry if he has two ear infections with a ruptured ear drum. This is the child who didn't cry when he broke his arm and only agreed to get a cast because someone convinced him that girls thought it was cool. I knew his injury was serious.

And I was right. After the ambulance came and we headed to the ER, the doctor informed us that our son's tibia was snapped clean in half. And it would need to be realigned and casted for up to 8 weeks. And that's just in a full leg cast. There would be a walking cast after. Oh my heavens.

So today is the first time I've been able to breathe a little after the whole thing. My boy ended up needing surgery to realign his bone and he is actually doing so much better. But I wasn't sure for a minute. The pain was so intense that he was begging for the pain medicine way before we could give it to him safely. To watch him in so much pain was close to unbearable. But we have an amazing support system. I have family and friends who went so far out of their way to help us, that it was unreal.

My friends, a mother's heart is velvet over steel. We may cry easier than some, but we are the toughest breed God has ever created. As I looked around at my parents and even my husband on the baseball field and they were crying and agonizing, that's exactly how I felt. But I didn't react the same way. I made the phone call (per my police man hubby) to 911, I gave directions, I made decisions...and I kept it together. Why? Because, contrary to what I have thought in the past, I was created for this. I was born to not only be a mother, but to be a mother of BOYS. I got this. It's hard a lot of the time, sometimes the rewards are unrecognizable, and sometimes I just want to run...but I got this. Because I have a God who is bigger than a snapped tibia and who loves my sons even more than I do, as hard as that it to believe. Now, for the faint of heart, you can stop reading right now. For the more adventurous, you can scroll down a little and see the x-ray of my baby's leg.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Cuppity Cakes

Oh, I love me some cupcakes. I love that you can hold them in your hand and that they can be gone in 3 bites if need be (like, for instance, if your children sneak out of bed and **almost** catch you with a cupcake while you're watching your DVR'd shows and you told them, "NO MORE CUPCAKES!!" I mean, I hear that happens to other people). So, I'm going to go out on a weird limb and document some cupcake baking on this here blog. It won't be a baking blog, per se, but I'll share some stuff on my adventures. I will even record these adventures in photos...if I ever find my dang camera.

I decided I'm going to join the Hello, Cupcake! Club and maybe I can get crackin' on some creativity! Stand by for delicious photos...eventually.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Girl Revealed

So I told you I'd post more about me and I actually am doing it relatively quickly! If you knew me, you'd know that this is a major feat. I'm a bit of a procrastinator (read: lazy butt). So what can I tell you? I know! Let's make a list! I love lists.

· I turned 34 last week.

· I am the daughter, granddaughter, wife, niece, and cousin of cops. All for the same dept.

· I can type more than 60 wpm.

· I love Diet Dr. Pepper, but I’m trying to kick the soda habit altogether.

· I married a man who was my dad’s partner at work.

· I have two amazing sons who are both stellar athletes (but I am a little biased).

· Said sons are 14 months, 2 weeks, and 5 days apart. Not intentionally.

· Because of the above mentioned age difference, I was a prime candidate for the loony bin for a while.

· I took medication for my loony-ness (I am not poking fun, just stating my facts) for 2 years.

· I am not as conservative in politics as my husband wishes, or as liberal as he thinks.

· I love baseball more than many people love their children and I can hold an intelligent conversation about it.

· I love to keep score at baseball games.

· I’m a carrier of the strep virus.

· I grew up in a family that epitomized the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child” and I loved every second of it.

· I’m sad that I’m not raising my kids the same way.

· I’ve had two friends since 3rd grade (that I still love incredibly), and one since 7th (who is still absolutely my “BFF”). Past that, my closest friends are people I’ve met from 25 on, and there are not many of them.

· I hate the abbreviation BFF (and many others).

· I have thumbs of lightning when I text.

· I love the TV shows Bones and Parenthood.

· I am lazier than the average bear. Way lazier.

· I didn’t learn who Jesus was and that I could have a relationship with Him until I was 24.

· My mouth is my biggest enemy. Not just because it speaks before I think, but because I am battling the sailor within and it’s one of my biggest struggles.

· I’ve never seen an episode of “Seinfeld” or “24” and I’m ok with that.

· I love to bake, but hate to cook. I’m good at the former, but stink at the latter.

· I want others to see Jesus in me, but worry that all they see is the broken me that I fight to keep subdued.

So, by no means is this all about me, but it might be all you can handle for now! More to come, I'm sure. Because the world really does need to know more about me. GAG.


So, I'm rethinking this whole podcast thing. Maybe a blog is good enough. I mean, I totally know that everyone in the entire world would love to hear my ramblings about life, but maybe this should just be ENOUGH. I actually like recording podcasts, it's just finding the time to do them. And if I can't even make the time to blog, how on earth am I going to podcast? That should settle it. no podcast for me. I think.

I'm looking back on that last paragraph and my eyes naturally wander toward the word in caps: ENOUGH. I have a hard time with that concept. I never know when to stop eating...when enough food is enough. I feel like there's never enough time in my day (because I squander it, quite frankly). I want to blog, so I'll podcast...dumb logic. But just the blog can't be enough for me, right?

My prayer today is that you and I will be satisfied. Not just "Well, I'll just be satisfied with that." But that deep satisfaction that comes from knowing that God is ENOUGH. Whatever he has or has not given you (or me) is enough. I love the way Dr. John Piper puts it: "God is MOST glorified in us when we are MOST satisfied in Him." Think about that, my friends, because I will.

I do promise that my next post will be more about me. (Because you can never know enough about me, right?!) I'll let you know who I am, about my family, and I hope that you'll still come back. Until then...peace in your 'hood, wherever that may be.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coming to a podcast near you...

I'm diving in. Deep breath, here we go. I'm going to dive right back into the world of podcasting. I used to have a fun little podcast about my adventures as a new knitter, but it got to be really hard to find time to knit and if I had no time to knit, what was I going to podcast about?!

My new podcast, "Bruised, Flawed, and Redeemed" is about my life as a wife, mom, friend, sister, and child of the Creator. Will I preach at you? Nope. Will I share some of my very real life with you and tell you how God has pulled me (sometimes dragged me) through? Yep. Check back in a couple of days and you'll find a little promo for the podcast.